About Us

Preventing homelessness in families that were financially stable but experienced a sudden loss of income, unforeseen expenses or other events that resulted in them facing homelessness. From rent assistance, utility assistance, rehousing and personal finance classes, our intake staff assess each family’s unique situation and then stabilize their household.
Through this program, we prevent homelessness by stabilizing households before they lose their housing, or by stabilizing them in new housing with a plan to sustain that housing.

Rent + Mortgage Assistance

When working families experience unchecked financial instability, the probability of them not being able to pay their rent or mortgage increases with time. We provide financial assistance to families who have demonstrated that, with support, they can stabilize their home, maintain rent and utility payments, and avoid the possibility of being evicted in the future.

Utility Assistance

The most notable signs that a family is at risk of becoming homeless occur when utilities like electricity, gas and water are turned off. Families go to school and work every day with no lights, or kitchen appliances, not being able to bathe or wash clothes. This is the quality of life that could easily and quickly become homelessness.